Several theoretical results are obtained by studying symmetric Eulerian graph and symmetric Eulerian trail. 通过对于对称欧拉图和对称欧拉路径的研究,得出了多项理论结果。
The study of symmetric graphs is an active area in graph theory. 图的对称性研究是图论的重要课题。
Let DKv denote the symmetric complete directed graph with v vertices, the covering number C ( v, m) is a minimum number of covering DKv by m-circuits. 设DKv表示完全有向对称图,C(v,m)表示覆盖DKv的m长有向圈的最小圈数(称为覆盖数)。
Because only the triangle matrix information is encoded in the symmetric matrix that describes all possible changes of the undirected network, the length of coding string is moderate and there is no limitation of edges for modeling the whole evolution from the tree to complete graph. 该编码方法只记录对称邻接矩阵中三角阵的信息,反映了无向网络的所有可能变化,因而编码串长度适中,网络边数不需限制,可以模拟网络从树到完备图的整个演化过程。